Thursday, July 21, 2005

It is all about values

I've been flipping through the pages of "World History for Youths (not exactly the name coz it's a German to Chinese translation".)

One of the chapters is about Alexander, the Roman Emperor, who conquered most of the civilized areas in Europe and North Africa in his time. So he was a great guy. So he has his name in history. People will remember him as a great ruler and a smart general.

But how about his soldiers? How about those who died in the wars?

And how about the peasants? The ones who did routine agricultural work so that the army could have enough food to travel across the world?

I know it's naive. But I just want to know, is it okay if I want to be a peasant instead of a commander in the army? If I feel comfortable with my wheat, barley and grapes, am I supposed to kill someone on the battlefield, just because my leader asks me to do so?


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